
Saturday, 28 November 2015

10 Easy Ways of Increasing Twitter Engagement

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Twitter has gained the status of being one of the most powerful social media marketing channels. E-commerce merchants from all across the globe are using Twitter to produce favorable results for their businesses.
However, you need to know the methods of effectively utilizing this medium to your advantage. To sharpen your Twitter marketing efforts you should be equipped with techniques to increase your Twitter engagement.
This way you can properly utilize Twitter to promote your brand, products and services to your followers. There is no point in tweeting when you fail in getting proper response from your followers. So the crux lies in increasing Twitter Engagement.
Here we have listed down 10 Easy Ways of Increasing Twitter Engagement.
Twitter is for sure a powerful platform of building relationships with your customers, friends, and peers and by increasing Twitter engagement you can effectively use this channel for crafting your online success story.

Reach Out to Your Followers

One of the easy ways of increasing your Twitter engagement comes in the form of reaching out to your followers. Though many feel that automated Tweets do the job perfectly well, and it may finally prove to be a well rewarding strategy, but in the initial stages you ought to build up your relationship with your followers.
So in the initial stages automated Tweets like, “Thank you for following me, here is my free e-book” may come down flat. Instead reach out to your followers with a personal Thank You message. It is a good idea to mention their name. You may further build up the conversation by asking them a question which is relates to their profile.
Once you have successfully established relationship with your followers and have quite a many following you, it is always a good thing to continue the good work that you have been doing. So whenever you get time, be proactive in starting out a new conversation with them.

Know the Most Suitable Time for Tweeting Your Posts

It is easy to get lost in the big ocean of tweets. The point is, you may be tweeting regularly with nobody reading your tweets. So you are missing out on the exposure that your tweets ought to deserve.
So, how to make best use of this powerful social networking platform?
Well you need to know the best time to tweet your posts so that you get to have the widest audience reach. In this context, it is helpful to know when your followers are most likely to be online so that you get the biggest audience exposure. Herein, one of the fantastic free tool that can help you to know the most suitable time for tweeting your posts is Tweriod.
This free tool helps you to know when your followers are online so that you can get the biggest exposure by tweeting your posts around that time. Tweriod evaluates your followers by connecting to your account and sends back a report to you. So you can analyze to find out what is the most suitable time for you to posts. Knowing the appropriate timings for posting tweets encourage to propel the conversations and thus grow Twitter engagement.

Tweet it Simple and Short

One of the golden rules of increasing Twitter Engagement is to keep your Tweets simple and short. According to a research report, tweets that are less than 100 characters tend to gain twitter engagement as much as 17% higher than longer tweets. So if you wish a high Twitter engagement keep your twitter posts simple and short, preferably less than 100 characters in length. Although Twitter provides 140 characters but you should make it a point to keep your Tweets well below this mark. If you are posting a link or a photo make sure to keep the introduction to about 100 characters. This way you increase the probability of receiving high traffic to your Twitter profile, as well as high engagement on clickable links. Your brand awareness increases as well as you gain more followers.

Tweet with Links and Images

Although text tweets are popular and successful with the online audience but if you are looking for a high engagement then tweeting with links and images can be highly beneficial for you. So just check out the interests of your followers and include an image or a short-link of an appropriate and relevant article. The greatest benefit of including images and links with tweet messages is the fact that such tweets receive high retweets rates. In fact, Tweets with images and links garner as much as 86% higher retweet rates. So your brand message gets spread faster and farther online. And that’s on all; Tweets with images and links receive twice the follower interest and engagement than tweet messages that are without links and images.

Use Hashtags

Another highly useful and powerful method of increasing Twitter Engagement is to employ hashtags along with your tweets. When you use the “#” symbol and follow it by using the word, you are using Hashtags. For example, “#relevanttopic” is an HashTag. Actually, Hashtags are used by Twitter so as to categorize Tweets into topics.
So if you are sharing an investment solution with your target audience you can use a HashTag like “#investmentsolution” so as to make it clear that your message relates to investment. You could also include “#tips” so that people seeking help regarding a particular topic (such as investments) can also see your tweet.
Using Hashtags helps to gain new audience from the Twitter universe and your brand awareness spread across new frontiers in the Twitter space. As a matter of fact, Tweets with Hashtags are able to receive twice as much Twitter engagements as tweets without hashtags.

Use Calls to Action

Although it is necessary to come up with interesting, useful, and engaging content on Twitter, but this is not the only factor that will gain you followers on Twitter. Moreover, to utilize Twitter to fulfill your online marketing needs and goals, the content you post on Twitter has to be retweeted by your followers so that your message spreads fast through this social media marketing channel.
So it is not wise at all to assume that your content will win retweets by your followers once it gets posted on Twitter. That’s the reason you have to come up with a strategy to facilitate retweets by your followers. The best method to get retweets by your followers is to have Calls to Action included in your Twitter message. You can include such phrases like, “Please Retweet”. This specifically encourages your followers to carry out retweeting activity. Studies have shown that including Calls to Action can augment retweet activity further up by 12 times.

Using Tools to ascertain when Tweets perform Best

You have to ensure that your efforts on Twitter give you maximum results. There is no point in Tweeting when it does not gain proper response from your followers. As such Twitter is a powerful social networking channel and if utilized properly it can turn out to be your best partner for online promotion and marketing. You just have to make sure that Twitter gives the level of engagement that you are looking up to.
Well, you can do this and can surely increase Twitter engagement once you know when your Tweets get maximum response, replies, and retweets. In fact, there are various management toolswhich can help you to gain insights and know when your tweets gain maximum engagements. They help you to know on which days and times your tweets gain maximum response from your followers. Examples of such tools include Sprout Social and HootSuite. They have built-in analytical tools and components which can tell you at what times and days your tweets receive maximum engagement.

Listen To Your Customers

To successfully utilize Twitter as a social media marketing channel and to increase your Twitter engagement, you have to be proactive enough to respond to your customer needs. You have to recognize what your customer wants from you and have to come up with content that appeal to them. This implies that you have to listen to your customers. So you have to actively watch out for the response and opinion of your fanbase and community.
All this can help you to come out with a better solution for them. You should regularly go through the feedback that relates to your brand, products, services or competitors so that you can come to know what the opinion of your consumers is. You can even Tweets questions for your customers that can give you better insight about their needs and aspirations. So you should listen to your customers on Twitter.

Reply to Connections

Twitter can be used to drastically enhance your customer base. It can turn out as a powerful medium to increase the brand loyalty of your followers, as well as potential customers. So it becomes utmost important to effectively utilize this powerful social media marketing channel for your advantage, and you should make every possible effort to increase engagement on Twitter. In this regard, replying to connections can play a vital role.
You should reply to those using @-reply and also to ones using HashTag reference related with your brand. So you need to be available for the ones who want to establish a dialogue with you. Replying to connections on Twitter can also prove to be a great customer service. Understand that your customers want to hear from you and appreciate your reply, whether it comes in the form of praise, advice, knowledge, exposure or even as a critique.

Avoid Over Tweeting

Apart from following above methods of increasing Twitter engagement, you should also take care to avoid over Tweeting. According to a research report, the more you tweet per day, the less engagement you receive for your tweets. Your tweets might be ignored, or worse still may also be unfollowed. So take conscious efforts not to over tweet. Although this does not mean that you should not tweet multiple times in a day. You should check out your optimal timings for tweeting and should not fill Twitter feeds of your followers with lots of posts.

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