
Monday, 23 November 2015

How my Google AdSense account was Disabled and Reinstate

In this post I am sharing my experience what I faced with Google AdSense when they disabled my account and how I reinstate my account. Yes its real story.

Google Adsense account disable.:

When i was gaining as well as you together with Yahoo AdSense and We are very happy with my own gaining however eventually I managed to get any postal mail via Yahoo AdSense that your particular consideration will be disabled as a consequence of invalid press. Invalid press I've got not engaged in my own adverts just how can Yahoo disable my own consideration, how about my own gaining, I managed to get scammed Yahoo can’t achieve this I will discover these, this can be unfounded.

How my Google Adsense account reinstate.:

As I told my account was disabled by Google.
I thought Google don’t want me to earn. They war unhappy by clicks I was getting. I quickly appeal for my disabled account without much information provided to Google AdSense and I do not got any response in 3-4 days and I thought I have loosed my money but I asked my self what went wrong when I have not clicked on my ads..
After some deep thinking what could be went wrong I thought I got the reason why Google AdSense was feeling about invalid click and I re appealed for my disabled account I write to them:
There can be few reasons which look like invalid click on my site.
If you feel that most of the clicks come within an hour then there is a reason, one of my AdWords campaign starts at 5 PM (this campaign is running from more then 6 months) and that campaign bring more then 150 visitor at a time so most of the clicks and impressions come at that time which can looks like click fraud but I can show you the proof of my campaigns and if you do not trust me then I will try asking Google AdWord team to send you the data of my campaigns.
I track my earnings and spending (on advertisement) daily and I had not found any earning growth till 20 May 2007. If invalid clicks are found on 21 May 2007 then the only reason can be that some one (my rivals or any crazy guy) wants me to get out from Adsense program. Please try to understand there is no source of getting to know who made invalid click on my site and you do not provide us the data so it is very difficult to know who have made invalid click.
I am working with Adsense from more then a year but I have never click on the ads on my site. I am totally aware of Terms and Condition and Program Policy of Google AdSense program.
If you have found any invalid activity on any day then I am not interested for that days earning but when I have not done any thing wrong then I request you to look after my problem. I am ready to answer any of your questions; I am ready to meet Adsense team or can talk to you regarding this problem.
After two day I got the mail from Google AdSense:
As you know, Google treats instances of invalid click activity very seriously. We have reviewed your circumstances and have reinstated your account, effective immediately. However, there will be a delay before ads start running on your website. It may take up to 48 hours before all of our servers are informed of the change.
Thank you for clarifying your situation. We appreciate your patience, and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this email.
For your reference, you can find tips and guidelines for keeping your account in good standing by visiting our Help Center at
The Google AdSense Team
So that’s how my Google AdSense account was reinstated.
I just want to say if you are not doing any invalid activity with Google AdSense program and your account is disabled then first look after what went wrong, what can be done after clearing your view then appeal for disabled account with as much as possible information which can proof you right.
Happy earning

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