If you are a blogger then may be you think what other bloggers earn. Do they earn more then me, if yes then how much and how? This question often comes in mind and may be you had tried to find so.
It is not easy to know exactly what other bloggers are earning but a little research can help you to get a idea what other bloggers are earning.
So what is the benefit of knowing what other are earning and why you need to know? Yes this is not the good thing to find what other are earning but as a blogger knowing others earning and the sources of earning can help you to monetize you blog on the right way. But this is not important and may be the right way to copy other bloggers technique. There are various way of generating revenue with your blog like using AdSense, selling ad space with fixed price, writing paid post selling links, using affiliate programs and so on. It depends on you which way you want to go. Every blogger have its own way of earning money.
I tried to find out how and what other blogs are earning. This earnings can’t be exact this is just a overview because there are lots of other expenses you have to do to run your blog like advertising your blog expenses, hosting expenses etc.
First talk about some big daddy blogs:
TechCrunch: The number 2 blog on Technorati top 100 blogs. How and how much TechCrunch earn? I don’t know exactly what they earn but how and what they charge from advertiser for an ad can be found from there Advertise page.
For 125 x 125 ads on right side of the page they have different rate plans which start from $8000 to $21500 per month per ad. They also use AdSense ads on there blog. Advertisers can also advertise with CPM ads on TechCrunch. TechCrunch use Federated Media’s services to advertise CPM ads. There CPM rates for 160×600, 728×90 and 300×250 ads are about $23 per CPM and you have to purchase minimum of 140 CPM which will cost you about $3220.
These figures can blow your mind but there are many expenses belong to run so much big blog so it is not possible for me to tell exact earning of TechCrunch.
John Chow: One of the most popular blogger blogs on blogging, earning etc tips. His blog receives more then 200,000 visitors per month with Alexa ranking of 27,281.
John Chow publishes his monthly earning report on his blog every month. Here I am listing his October 2008 earning report.
Total Blog Income for October 2008 – $34,350.93
Affiliate Commissions: $12,652.52
Private Ad Sales: $10,290.00
Shoemoney Tools: $4000.00
ReviewMe: $4,000.00
Text Link Ads: $2,112.91
Kontera: $1,000.00
RSS Ads: $295.50
Total Income: $34,350.93
Private Ad Sales: $10,290.00
Shoemoney Tools: $4000.00
ReviewMe: $4,000.00
Text Link Ads: $2,112.91
Kontera: $1,000.00
RSS Ads: $295.50
Total Income: $34,350.93
Many bloggers sell there ad space directly and most of them use 125 x125 ads. They charge from $10 to thousands of dollar for 125×125 ads per month depending upon the traffic they get.
Many bloggers relay on Google AdSense ads and knowing how much they are earning with those ads it little difficult task. Some time bloggers disclose there AdSense earning and I have found some big blogs are earning $2,000 – $10,000 or more per month with AdSense (again depends upon there visitor base).
A poll conducted on Problogger shows what bloggers earned in October 2008.
Earner of $500 and more data shows that:
262 made $500 – $999 (6%)
150 made $1,000 – $1,499 (4%)
128 made $1,500 – $2,499 (3%)
130 made $2,500 – $4,999 (3%)
95 made $5,000 – $9,999 (2%)
45 made $10,000 – $14,999 (1%)
35 made $15,000 – $19,999 (1)
373 made $20,000 or more (9%).
150 made $1,000 – $1,499 (4%)
128 made $1,500 – $2,499 (3%)
130 made $2,500 – $4,999 (3%)
95 made $5,000 – $9,999 (2%)
45 made $10,000 – $14,999 (1%)
35 made $15,000 – $19,999 (1)
373 made $20,000 or more (9%).
I have just given you only two example and I will try to continue this series and will try to tell how much bloggers are earning and how
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